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    PR New Media - Informative Speech

    Teacher Name: Mr. Jacobs

    Student Name:     ________________________________________

Deadline to Reserve Article
Deadline met.
Deadline not met - notification is no more than three hours late.
Deadline not met - notification is less than a day late.
Deadline not met - notification more than a day late but less than three days.
Shows a full understanding of the topic and connects to public relations; supporting information is significant.
Shows a good understanding of the topic and connects to public relations; supporting information is effective.
Shows a competent understanding of the topic. Connection to pr not precise. Supporting information is relevant.
Does not seem to understand the topic very well and/or connection to pr not precise. Insufficient supporting information.
Connect to Personal Experience/Interest
Interesting knowledge; an effective approach to connect the topic to personal experience or interest.
Good knowledge and approach to connect the topic to personal experience or interest.
Approach to connect topic to personal experience is somewhat effective.
Speaker's connection or interest to the topic is not clear or precise.
Audience Involvement
Effective approach to engage audience. Has an effective method for the topic.
Good approach to engage the audience and ask appropriate question.
Approach with the audience is somewhat engaging (question may not be precise).
Engagement is is not clear to the audience.
Visual Aid
Visual aid use extremely effective with topic.
Visual aid used and effective with topic.
Visual aid used and complementary with topic.
Visual aid not effective with topic.
Presentation is 4-5 minutes long. Copy of article included.
Presentation is 3 minutes long. Copy of article included.
Presentation is 2 minutes long. and/or copy of article turned in late.
Presentation is less than 2 minutes OR well over 5 minutes. and/or copy of article turned in late.

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